Change eye color with laser


Change eye color with laser

Dr. Mustafa Mete developed the ''Laser Eye Color Change Procedure'' to assist patients with heterochromia in correcting their eye color. Dr. Mustafa Mete developed ''MYLumineyes'', a customized Lumineyes laser eye color change procedure, using a different laser than the standard Lumineyes procedure. People have successfully used it to transform brown eyes into blue-green hazel or gray eyes. The Lumineyes laser eye color change surgery is significantly less expensive and yields faster results.

We recommend that you do a lot of research before making a permanent eye color change. 

Customization is possible with Mylumineyes, a Lumineyes technique. The end result is far more efficient, secure, and healthy. Mylumineyes change eye color with laser is significantly more affordable, offers faster results, protects eye health, and can be considered a natural laser eye color change procedure. The Lumineyes laser eye color change affects only melanin pigments.

We create different programs for each patient. One eye laser treatment usually takes 1-2 minutes. Anatomy of the Eye The capacity of aqueous humor drainage canals to discharge spilled pigments is limited. 

Canal failure occurs when too much work or pigmentation is loaded onto canals in a short period of time, except "Lumineyes Xtra." This will have serious consequences or risks for the eyes' health. Glaucoma, iridocyclitis, and iris atrophy are all problems caused by inexperienced people performing eye color change procedures.

Lumineyes lasts 5–7 days after a single therapy session.

The color of the eyes changes after 2-4 sessions. The first month shows more changes, while the last 3-6 months reveal the final color. the outcomes of After the procedure, the color of your eyes will be unknown and unpredictable. The MY Lumineyes method stimulates the cells that naturally give the iris its black-brown color, and by removing the dark cells (dark brown eyes), it can give you an eye structure similar to people who have blue, hazel eyes, gray, or green eyes.

  1. While other methods damage eye anatomy, this method does not cause long-term issues. Your pigment cells' density determines the color.
  2. Mylumineyes use two different natural mechanisms in the eye to completely or partially destroy this density. 
  3. Mylumineyes is not a traumatic experience. This is just one of Mylumineyes' most important, unique, and distinguishing characteristics.

The MyLumineyes non-surgical eye color change utilizes a new laser that operates at a different frequency and wavelength, producing a microscopic effect without causing harm to ophthalmic tissue. Only an ophthalmologist-eye doctor with extensive surgical management and experience can perform this laser procedure. The MYLumineyes® Eye Center utilizes the most recent technology, the MYLumineyes® 8G+3D laser.

How Does "Change Eye Color with Laser" Work?

At MYLumineyes®, we analyze eye structure, features, iris structure, eye health, and pigment structure to create a map, which then guides the application of a personalized treatment program to change eye color with a laser procedure. It is imperative to take this action to safeguard your eye health. Well, thanks to this unique laser technique, can your eyes change color? Definitely yes. Moreover, it is healthy and natural.

A new laser, with a different frequency and wavelength, performs this operation, creating a microscopic effect without harming the ophthalmic tissue.

After examining and evaluating many factors, your doctor sends laser pulses to certain areas of both eyes for one minute with a personalized method. Your doctor tailors a unique therapy to each individual's specific needs by varying the frequency, duration, wavelength, and energy of the sessions. With this privileged method, we both achieve excellent results while protecting your eyes' health. Thanks to the superior effectiveness of mylumineyes, the costs of laser surgery to change eye color are low.

Are there any risks associated with changing eye color during a laser procedure? How safe is it?

An ophthalmologist with considerable surgical management and competence must perform the laser eye color change. Researchers have tested this procedure in several parts of the world. However, none of these locations have implemented the Mylumineyes method. The newest technology is the MYLumineyes® 8G+3D laser, which is active in the MYLumineyes® Eye Center.

Long-term results show that the MYLumineyes® method is the safest process, and our specialists carry out this method successfully. This method, which we just developed, is more secure, productive, and problem-free than classic Lumineyes.

Permanent eye color change procedures performed by unauthorized and inexperienced centers can result in permanent eye problems in the future! You should definitely secure your eye health before undergoing eye color change surgery. Of course, you need a reliable and well-known ophthalmologist for this. Do a preliminary investigation for false physicians, clinics, businesses that do not have an address, and businesses and phony clinics that you have not heard of.

What are the dangers or risks associated with changing eye color using a laser?

  1. Iridocyclitis
  2. Glaucoma
  3. Cataract
  4. Permanent vision loss.
  5. Uveitis
  6. Eye inflammatory reactions
  7. Corneal damage
  8. Unsuccessful result.

You will not experience these risks with lumineyes.

Do I experience any pain or discomfort when changing my eye color with a laser? When Will I Be Able To Get Back To Work?

During the laser-assisted eye color change, you experience only a slight tingling sensation; you won't experience any discomfort. After the change of eye color with laser surgery, the patient can resume her or his daily life. Life rarely changes before and after a laser operation.

How Long Does It Take To Change The Color Of Your Eyes? When Will You Be Able To See The Results?

MYLumineyes uses a laser to change eye color, but it only works on melanin pigments. As part of Mylumineyes safety protocols, we are making different programs for each patient. One-eye laser time typically takes 1-2 minutes per eye.

Eye anatomy Aqueous humor drainage canals have a limited capacity to discharge the spilled pigments. Additionally, loading too much work or pigmentation onto canals in a short time will result in canal failure.

This will cause significant health problems for the eyes. Inexperienced individuals performing eye color change procedures may lead to issues such as glaucoma, iridocyclitis, and iris atrophy.

Lumineyes last between 5 and 7 days with a single (1) treatment. After 2-4 sessions, the hue changes. The hue changes more in the first month, and the final hue emerges in the last 3-6 months.

What Color Will My Eyes Be? Can I choose the color of my eyes?

No way. The color of your eyes after the procedure is unknown and unpredictable.

The MYLumineyes method naturally stimulates the cells that give the iris its black-brown color, and by eliminating the dark cells, it can provide you with an eye structure just like people who naturally have blue, hazel, gray, or green eyes. This method, unlike other methods, does not damage the eye anatomy and does not cause any long-term problems. The density of your pigment cells is what determines the color.

Mylumineyes destroy this density completely or partially by utilizing two different natural mechanisms in the eye. Mylumineyes does not cause trauma. This is just one of Mylumineyes's most important, unique, and outstanding features.

The eye's color change also depends on the resistance of the existing dark pigments.

**Not guaranteed, but our observations suggest that dark brown, heavily pigmented eyes are likely to change to gray, green, or hazel, while light brown eyes are likely to change to blue, gray, and green.

The permanent color change in the eye also depends on the resistance of the existing dark pigments. Mylumineyes works by protecting your eye health without pushing the limits. With our latest development, we also have the opportunity to choose between blue and green in some cases. Dr. Mete is constantly updating and developing Mylumineyes.

What Should You Keep in Mind When Using a Laser to Change Eye Color?

Aqueous humor drainage canals have a limited capacity. Loading too much pigmentation onto canals in a short time will cause eye health issues.

If you undergo laser treatment on your eyes in a short period of time or at centers without experienced licensed optalmologists, it can lead to glaucoma, iridocyclitis, and iris atrophy.

Amateur organizations, totally fake clinics and doctors, low-cost facilities, and non-specific laser procedures cause permanent damage to your eyes.

How Safe is Eye Color Change in Turkey? How To Change Your Eye Color?

Eye color change is serious business. Be wary of daily pop-ups that boast about their work. Also, the center needs many years of experience in this field. Is it safe to change eye color?

Notably, "mylumineyes" is the safest and most effective method for changing eye color. Long-term results have shown that the MYLumineyes® technique is very safe. Simply put, Mylumineyes” is at least as safe as “Lasik.” It is a fact that you can achieve these superior properties only with mylumineyes.

Can I Continue Using Colored Contact Lenses?

Yes, you can continue using colored contact lenses. If you are considering "iris implant surgery" or "keratopigmentation surgery" and seeking our advice, contact lenses will definitely be a better option.

Which Laser Is Best For Eye Color Changing?

The 8G+ 3D MyLumineyes® laser selects melanin pigmentation. This technology maximizes efficiency and protects your eyes and iris from damage. MyLumineyes® laser eye color change is the most advanced method of changing the color of your eyes in a safe and healthy manner.

MyLumineyes® employs a proprietary wavelength that selectively targets only melanin pigmentation on the iris, leaving the rest of your eyes unaffected. This 8G+ 3D laser also yields the highest possible success rate. After 15 years of experience, I can confidently say that if you have a strong desire to undergo permanent eye color change surgery, the answer is yes.

What’s My Eye Color Grade? Scala of Eye Colors, Chart

For you, the MyLinux laser eye color change surgery center created an eye color grade system. When making an appointment and requesting information, please provide us with your eye color grade. Grading is essential to us when changing eye color with a laser.


1: It is a light color, similar to hazel-toned eyes.

2: Pretty light brown eyes.

3: medium brown eyes

4: Dark Brown Eyes

5. The eyes are extremely dark brown, almost black.

What is the most efficient and fastest change in eye color with a laser procedure?

Performing the world’s first change of eye color with laser, Dr. Mustafa Mete, with the new 8G+ 3D laser, was able to convert brown eye color to green in just four days without any side effects. It was safe and tremendously fast.

Thus, we began to offer both swift and reliable features simultaneously. Now, with “My Lumineyes Xtra," we have both shortened time and increased safety.

How Is "Lumineyes Laser Eye Color Change" Different From Its Counterparts?

The "Eye Color Changing Process MY Lumineyes®" represents a unique Lumineyes technique.

In short, a laser with special abilities known as “Lumineyes” stimulates the brown or darkly pigmented cells in the iris and causes melanin cells to flow out of the dark pigment layer to form a blue-green-gray.

  1. Many years ago, we invented this method to treat heterochromia. This method involved adjusting the color of the heterochromic eye and the patient, who had a different tone in the eye, by causing the cell layer to appear primarily colorless but to appear colored from the outside.
  2. In long-term follow-up and development, we worked on a laser with a special wave length and a different mechanism of action, leading to an amazing development.
  3. MYLumineyes® have been developed as a more effective, safer, and more controlled method with different specialties (laser ratios, technique, different wavelengths, selectivity, mapping, experience, etc.) compared to others.
  4. Lumineyes is using a unique laser. It creates a microscopic effect without damaging the surrounding tissues. Also, Mylumineyes laser uses its own frequency and wavelength.

How do you change your eye color?

Dr. Mete will first perform an eye examination. He examines the factors that may affect your eye health before you change eye color with laser surgery. He formulates a unique regimen for every individual. Each individual receives treatments tailored to their frequency, wavelength, and energy.

In order to ensure safety, we conduct a thorough analysis of pigment density, iris resistance, cellular reaction, and ocular capability. The "mylumineyes" approach possesses distinctive characteristics.

"Mylumineyes" is the most secure and efficient technique for changing eye color. Extensive research has shown that the approach is very secure, and we have effectively overseen this procedure. The therapy has a 99.9% efficacy rate. The success rate of the therapies is 99.9%.

“Mylumineyes” is only available at our clinic in Turkey. (New countries are coming soon.)

In the near future, we plan to expand to other regions. Amateur clinics, fake doctors, and inexpensive, ineffective lasers can easily cause irreversible damage to your eyes.

Your eyes are more precious than anything! Honestly, laser surgery's eye color change is worth your and our effort. While you are enjoying your holiday and affordable shopping in beautiful Istanbul, we can ensure that you return home with vibrant eyes.

Eye Color Changing Drops: Can They Change Eye Color?

Drops that Change Eye Color:

There are numerous sources of information about eye drops that claim to change your eyes' color. We can examine these drops in 2 groups.

Prostaglandin analogs

There are two drops that claim to change the color of your eyes.

First of all, this topic is very controversial. Prostaglandin analogs used in glaucoma treatment can cause your eyes to darken and your eyelashes to lengthen. Actually, this is a side effect. If the goal is to lighten the eye color, prostaglandin analogues will have the opposite effect. Applying these drops to one eye will result in an abnormality known as heterochromia.

You apply these medications to your skin rather than your eyes.

The second group contains drops containing n-acetyl-glucosamine that purport to alter eye color. In addition, n-acetyl-glucosamine reduces melanin production in the skin. On the contrary, its effect on the eye is not known yet. Moreover, it does not pass from the skin to the eye. It is unclear what kind of damage it will cause if it passes.

In our opinion, this substance will not affect iris melanin.

Additionally, we have encountered numerous posts, both positive and negative, about this eye-color-changing eye drop on various media and social networking sites. Some celebrities claim to have used these drops on their own eyes and experienced positive results. Of course, these are very likely to be advertisements.

Furthermore, you should avoid applying an eye drop containing this substance to your eyes.

It only protects your skin. Eye color-changing drops, which do not have FDA or any approval yet, cost 55 USD on the internet. Moreover, there are options for different eye colors. Please beware of drops that claim to solve everything. However, we found them to be ineffective.

What is the process of implanting an artificial iris?

During a surgical iris transplant, the iris receives a silicone lens. The iris, which is the colored part of the eye, gives it its color. This method allows for the creation of artificial eye colors. Contrary to popular belief, this method has its origins in ancient times. People were already using this surgical method to repair eye damage from accidents or births.

We perform this surgical operation by invasively entering the eye and placing this "iris implant," which consists of silicone material, on the surface of the iris.

Compared to changing eye color with lasers, we don't use this simple process because it's risky, creates an artificial image, complicates long-term results, and doesn't fulfill its intended purpose.

It is a risky procedure with many long-term complications. As a result, you cannot achieve a natural-colored appearance.

  • At present, we prefer the laser method over this simpler process.
  • It has an artificial appearance, a high number of complications, and subpar results.
  • Moreover, according to the Mylumineyes eye color change procedure, it is a risky procedure and causes many complications in the long run.
  • As a result, you cannot achieve the natural-colored appearance that the laser gives with implant surgery.

I had an unsuccessful eye color change surgery. Can I continue with you?

If your eye health is still excellent and you got the treatment from a real doctor, yes! You still have a chance to correctly change your eye color in Turkey.

Why does someone achieve better results than others?

Numerous factors influence the eye's color shift. In summary, a number of factors influence the color shift in the eye, including DNA, your eye health, the pigment ratio, pigment resistance, the reaction supplied, and more. They all have an impact on the outcome. As a result, while 4 sessions may be sufficient for some eyes, others may require more than 40 sessions. However, we have almost achieved amazing results for everyone.

What is the difference between light brown and dark brown eyes?

The results are subjective and can increase or decrease according to the person's expectations, so there is no objective indicator of a favorable result in this case. There is almost no limit to the lightening of the color in the eye.

People with light brown eyes have a short time to reach results, and the number of sessions is low. Dark eyes often require more treatments over an extended period. This implies that those with dark eyes will need to come in for extra treatments every 4-6 months. They should continue until they feel content with their accomplishments.

What is the cost of the eye color change surgery?

The clinic's license and doctor's experience determine their price: 3500–7500 euros.

Moreover, “Mylumineyes” eye color change surgery costs are more economical. In unfamiliar locations, you may undergo numerous treatments without achieving desired outcomes, potentially leading to eye damage.

Undoubtedly, despite the high quality of our laser and our professional service, we keep the costs of changing eye color with laser surgery low.

Please use the contact form on our website or send us an email to inquire about the costs and prices of the best eye color-changing surgery available in Turkey. At the same time, our customer representative can call you via Whatsapp.

There are places where results are guaranteed, and the cost of eye color change surgery is significantly lower.

Unfortunately, we’ve heard this story from a variety of sources. They waste time, hope, money, and, most importantly, the health of their eyes. Please refrain from having these types of conversations.

Surgery to change one’s color is a serious procedure. Please do not change your eye color in places where it is unsafe or unrecognized. During each session, the unique laser we use requires a specific consumable, which can be quite expensive. Therefore, lasers made at cheap prices will pose a high risk for your eyes.

Can Your Eyes Change Color With Kerato Pigmentation? Is it safe?

Keratopigmentation uses a femtosecond laser. Kerato-pigmentation is divided into two stages. The first step involves cutting the cornea to create a corneal tunnel. Secondly, this tunnel fills with a colored substance. Corneal tattooing results in a long-lasting color change. For many years, people have used corneal tattooing to treat corneal opacities.

Keratopigmentation does not change the eye’s natural pigments. Unfortunately, it creates a false image. Also, it can cause many complications. 

Kerato pigmentation is an irreversible surgery; it can cause permanent astigmatism, decreased vision, infection, and corneal damage.

Perhaps the biggest issue is that you can't completely remove this colored substance from the cornea if you don't like it.

It’s important to keep in mind that the “Mylumineyes Laser Eye Color Change Procedure” works on a completely natural mechanism.

What is the fastest and most effective eye color change procedure?

Performing the world’s first laser eye color change, Dr. Mustafa Mete and the MyLumineyes® team with our new 8G+ 3D laser were able to convert brown eye color to green in just 4 days without any side effects, safe, tremendously fast, and effectively.

By using personalized parameters, mylumineyes achieves fast, effective, and cost-effective results. The most significant challenge in the eye color change process is achieving success without jeopardizing the patient's eye health. This is the only doctor and center that can do it right now.

After many years of research, "Mylumineyes" developed this laser technology.

The Lumineyes laser, which is state-of-the-art and works at a specific wavelength, does not harm other tissues. It targets only the melanin cells in the eye.

A change in eye color with laser surgery is not something that even a normal eye doctor can do! Therefore, we recommend that you do a lot of research when choosing your doctor and center. On the internet, there is an abundance of false advertising, news, center, and doctor information. We strongly advise against putting your eyes at risk due to this information overload. We provide you with the opportunity to safely change your eye color and protect your eye health. With MyLumineyes®, you can begin to see life in color.

Can I continue with eye color change surgery after no results?

If your eye health remains perfect and you have received laser treatment to change your eye color from a reputable doctor, then the answer is yes! Still, you have a chance to change your eyes’ color the right way.

I spoke with someone who guaranteed results and offered cheap prices.

Regrettably, we have heard similar stories from numerous individuals. They have irreversibly lost their time, hope, money, and most importantly, their eye health. Please avoid these kinds of unrealistic conversations. Nothing in life has a guarantee.


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